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19 Apr 20232 minute read

Offsite manufacturing could slash emissions, says report

Offsite manufacturing could slash emissions, says report

A report from the Supply Chain Sustainability School identifies nine opportunities for off-site construction manufacturers to help reduce carbon emissions in the building industry. 

The report notes that the industry must quickly reduce emissions from both new and existing buildings and the materials used in their construction. Off-site manufacturing can help reduce whole life carbon through efficiencies in material and resource use, energy use in logistics, and standardised designs. 

The report also recommends early collaboration between manufacturers and design teams to optimise low carbon design options and calls for the embedding of processes for the collection and communication of activity data.

Naomi Pratt, lead author of the report and Consultant at Action Sustainability, said in ECN, “It’s been really encouraging to see projects cutting embodied carbon through offsite techniques. What these have in common is a design approach driven by material and carbon efficiency. What we need to see now is more organisations adopting this focus and sharing data.”

Ian Heptonstall, Director of Supply Chain Sustainability School, said, “The good news from this report is that yes, off-site and MMC (Modern Methods of Construction) can help us tackle the climate emergency. However, as the evidence suggests, we are currently missing many opportunities, and it’s clear as an industry that we need to think and act differently. My challenge to those not at the forefront of tackling carbon is: will you act now and make a difference, or be left behind whilst your customers transition to a low carbon economy?”

