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31 May 20221 minute read

Simpler procurement rules on the horizon for SMEs

Simpler procurement rules on the horizon for SMEs

The Procurement Bill, first announced in this year’s Queen’s Speech, has passed Second Reading in the House of Lords on Wednesday, meaning it is a step closer to becoming law.

The Bill will focus on making more government contracts open to small businesses, replacing 350 EU laws with a simple and flexible system. It is expected to pass into law by 2023.

Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Steve Barclay said: “We are introducing reforms through our Procurement Bill that will do-away with bureaucratic rules that are both complicated and time-consuming for firms to navigate.

“Our departure from the European Union means we are free to streamline these rules on who wins taxpayer contracts.

“This will give small businesses a better chance of landing public sector contracts and allow the Government wider access to the first-class skills, innovation and ideas that many agile, creative smaller firms offer. In turn this will allow us to improve the services we provide to the public.”

Brand new digital infrastructure will make it easier and cheaper for organisations of all sizes to bid for public contracts, with a single digital platform that will hold all of a supplier’s credentials.

The reforms are expected to slash costs and make it easier for businesses bidding for contracts, particularly smaller companies with less experience of procurement processes. This could result in more SMEs benefiting from contracts for everything from catering for public buildings to digital services and infrastructure projects.

