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Health & Safety
06 Oct 2022 2 minute read

Stoptober: It's time to quit!

Vicki Leslie

Client Relationship Manager, ECIS

Stoptober: It's time to quit!

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health - and your wallet. And with Stoptober beginning on 1st October, there's never been a better time to try and quit!

Stoptober is an annual event encouraging smokers to stop smoking for 28 days during October. The research behind the Stoptober event is that if you can quit for 28 days, you're five times more likely to stop for good. [1] 

Why quit smoking?

Every year around 78,000 people in the UK die from smoking-related causes, with many more living with debilitating and irreversible smoking-related illnesses. [2]

On average, smoking reduces your life expectancy by ten years. After you reach 40, each additional year you smoke reduces your life expectancy by another three months. [3]

It's a common belief that smoking helps you relax. But the addictive nature of nicotine means smoking actually increases anxiety and tension. [4]

Smokers also lose a large part of their income. It is estimated that the average smoker spends £2,000 per year on tobacco. [6]. With the cost-of-living crisis looming and everything going up in price, cutting down on unnecessary expenses has never been more important.

How Stoptober can help you stop smoking

There are free specialist services to help smokers give up through the NHS. These services are staffed by expert advisers and provide a range of proven methods to help you quit. 

The NHS Quit smoking app allows you to:

  • track your progress
  • see how much you're saving
  • get daily support

A range of free support is available to smokers through the Stoptober campaign at 

When you quit smoking, you give yourself the chance to live a longer and healthier life.

How ECIS can help 

ECIS offer ECA members Bupa health assessments at discounted rates for employees worried about the impact smoking has had on their health. Discovering health issues in their early stages usually means a much better prognosis. Early detection and intervention saves lives every year. 

If an ECIS Private Medical Insurance Scheme member is worried about symptoms related to their smoking, they can contact the Bupa Direct Access service, which will triage them without the need for a GP referral. 

Good luck to all those taking part in Stoptober. We hope you are successful in kicking the habit and improving your health.






Vicki Leslie

Vicki Leslie

Client Relationship Manager, ECIS

Vicki Leslie is Client Relationship Manager at ECIS.